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# Recent

View recent SMS, SMS schedules, file uploads and group tasks on robust data tables.

To view the SMS history:

  1. Log into your PesaWay account (opens new window)
  2. On the Left Sidebar, click on SMS
  3. On the drop down menu, click on Recent

SMS Recent


Change the number of sms displayed on one page using the Per Page dropdown

# Inbox

View recent inbox (messages received from the customers) SMS.


Filter / search inbox using phone number, status or message content

# Outbox

View recent outbox (messages sent out) SMS.


Filter / search outbox using phone number, status or message content

# Schedules

View scheduled SMS to individuals, groups and file uploads.


Filter / search schedules using schedule type, title, group name, phone number, frequency, status, reference or amount

# File Uploads

View file uploads and download the files to view the contents


Filter / search file uploads using title or status

# Group Tasks

View group tasks and their processing status.


Filter / search group tasks using group name, amount, status

# Send SMS

For simplicity, sending SMS has been centralized to one page whether sending to a single number, group of contacts in the system or multiple people in an excel file.


This process is only available to the Web User.

To send SMS:

  1. Log into your PesaWay account (opens new window)
  2. On the Left Sidebar, click on Airtime
  3. On the drop down menu, click on Send

SMS Send


Monitor the number of characters for the message and how many SMS units it will cost per Recipient. Ensure you have enough SMS units to avoid failure in SMS delivery.

# Send SMS to a New Number

  1. While on SMS > Send page, click on Send To options field
  2. Select New Number
  3. Fill in Phone Number. The phone number should start with 254 or 07
  4. Input the Message
  5. Click on Submit
  6. Click on Send Now or Schedule to send at a future date 🎉

# Send SMS To an Existing Contact

  1. While on SMS > Send page, click on Send To options field
  2. Select Existing Contact
  3. Select the Existing Contact of choice
  4. Input the Message
  5. Click on Submit
  6. Click on Send Now or Schedule to send at a future date 🎉

# Send SMS To a Group

Note: Every contact in the group will be sent the same message.

  1. While on SMS > Send page, click on Send To options field
  2. Select Group
  3. Select the Group of choice
  4. Input the Message
  5. Click on Submit
  6. Click on Send Now or Schedule to send at a future date 🎉

# Upload File

  1. While on SMS > Send page, click on Send To options field
  2. Select Upload File
  3. Click on Download Template. You should get a popup to save the template.


    If you don't get a popup to save the file, please check your Downloads for the file. If no file was downloaded, check if your browser blocked popups from the site.

  4. Open the saved file and populate the contents, following the example given. Ensure the phone number starts with '254
  5. Save the changes
  6. Upload the file either by dragging and dropping it on the Upload File section OR by clicking on the section to select the file.
  7. Click on Submit
  8. Click on Send Now or Schedule to send at a future date 🎉

NOTE: Sending a single SMS does not need approval. However, a Manager user has to approve sending SMS in bulk.

# Approve SMS

For simplicity, approving SMS has been centralized to one page.


This process is only available to the Manager.

To approve SMS:

  1. Log into your PesaWay account (opens new window)
  2. On the Left Sidebar, click on SMS
  3. On the drop down menu, click on Approve SMS Approve
  4. On the Approve Airtime page, click on either Approve / Reject button.


    This process cannot be reversed. Make sure you verify all the necessary details before Approving