Bank Transfer
PesaWay to Bank
As a PesaWay merchant, you can send money directly to local bank accounts. This is applicable in various use cases such as Salary Payments, Supplier Payments, etc.
Request Parameters
Field | Type | Description | Examples |
Amount | Number | The amount of money being sent to the customer. | 30.00 |
ExternalReference | Alpha-Numeric | A unique identifier of the transaction generated by the Merchant system. | "1234" |
AccountNumber | Numeric | This is the customer mobile where the funds are to be received. Mobile number must include country code eg. 254712345678 | 123456 |
Channel | Numeric | The Paybill or Till number to send the payment to. | Code->Channel |
BankCode | Alpha-Numeric | The bank code for the supported banks. | 01 |
Currency | Alpha-Numeric | The currency for the transaction. | "KES" |
Reason | Alpha-Numeric | The reason for payment. | "Payment of transportation fee" |
ResultsUrl | URL | This is the URL to be specified in your request that will be used to send notification upon processing of the payment request | "" |
Sample Request
Response Parameters
Field | Type | Description | Example |
code | String | This is a status code for either success or failure of the transaction | "200.001" |
TransactionID | String | An identifier for the transaction request returned by PesaWay upon successful request submission. This is generated by PesaWay API. | "PHY20ADFASFASFS" |
OriginatorReference | String | An identifier for the transaction request from the merchant side. It is the input given as TransactionReference when sending B2C request. | "123344" |
Response Sample
Results Response
Field | Type | Description | Example |
ReceiverPartyPublicName | String | This full name of the customer receiving the funds. | "John Kym Doe" |
ResultCode | Numeric | The numeric status of the results, sent to the callback url 0 means success, while any other code indicates that an error occurred. | field |
ResultDesc | String | This is a message from the API that gives the status of the request processing and usually maps to a specific result code value. | "The service request is processed successfully" |
TransactionID | String | This is a unique PesaWay transaction ID for every payment request. Same value is sent to the customer over SMS upon successful processing. | PR52 |
TransactionReceipt | String | This is a unique transaction ID dependent on the channel for every payment request. Same value is sent to the customer over SMS upon successful processing. | QTD6ADFSAs |
TransactionAmount | Number | This is the amount that was transacted. It is usually returned under the ResultParameter array. | "10.00" |
OriginatorReference | Decimal | A unique identifier of the transaction generated by the Merchant system. | "254******77" |
TransactionCompletedDateTime | String | This is the date and time that the transaction completed PesaWay. | "20220305103101" |
AccountAvailableFunds | Decimal | This is the available balance after the transaction. | 564.00 |
Sample Result Response
Query Transaction Status
This enables you to directly query the transaction status using the TransactionIDs
Test Endpoint:
Request Parameters
Request Parameters | Field Description | Example |
TransactionReference | A transaction reference for the target transaction | PHYD5AD5ASDF5 |
Request Sample
Response Sample
Response Parameters
Response Parameters | Field Type Description |
Reference | The Pesaway internal reference for the transaction |
PhoneNumber | The receiving phone number |
Receipt | MNO receipt |
Amount | Amount sent out in the transaction |
Charge | Amount charged to facilitate the transaction |
ResultDesc | A sentense describing whether the transaction filed or succeeded |
ResultCode | A code representation of the results .e.g. 0 |